ST Using Left-Leaning Red-Black Tree
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Maps are implemented using Red-Black Trees
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
using namespace std;
const bool RED = true;
const bool BLACK = false;
template <typename Key, typename Value>
struct Node
Node *left, *right;
Key key;
Value val;
bool color; // color of child to parent link
Node(Key key, Value val, bool color)
left = right = nullptr;
this->color = color;
this->key = key;
this->val = val;
template <typename Key, typename Value>
class RedBlackTree
Node<Key, Value> *root;
// Main Operations
bool isRed(Node<Key, Value> *x)
return (x == nullptr) ? false : x->color == RED; // null and right side links are always black
// Orient a (temporarily) right-leaning red link to lean left.
Node<Key, Value> *rotateLeft(Node<Key, Value> *h)
Node<Key, Value> *x = h->right;
h->right = x->left;
x->left = h;
x->color = h->color;
h->color = RED;
return x;
// Orient a left-leaning red link to (temporarily) lean right.
Node<Key, Value> *rotateRight(Node<Key, Value> *h)
Node<Key, Value> *x = h->left;
h->left = x->right;
x->right = h;
x->color = h->color;
h->color = RED;
return x;
// Recolor to split a (temporary) 4-node.
void flipColor(Node<Key, Value> *h)
h->color = RED;
h->left->color = BLACK;
h->right->color = BLACK;
Node<Key, Value> *put(Node<Key, Value> *h, Key key, Value val)
if (h == nullptr)
return new Node<Key, Value>(key, val, RED);
if (h->key > key)
h->left = put(h->left, key, val);
else if (h->key < key)
h->right = put(h->right, key, val);
h->val = val;
if (isRed(h->right) && !isRed(h->left))
h = rotateLeft(h);
if (isRed(h->left) && isRed(h->left->left))
h = rotateRight(h);
if (isRed(h->left) && isRed(h->right))
return h;
Node<Key, Value> *floor(Node<Key, Value> *x, Key key)
if (x == nullptr)
return nullptr;
if (key == x->key)
return x;
if (key < x->key)
return floor(x->left, key);
Node<Key, Value> *temp = floor(x->right, key);
if (temp != nullptr)
return temp;
return x;
void levelorder(Node<Key, Value> *x)
queue<Node<Key, Value> *> qt;
cout << x->key << ": " << x->val << " " << endl;
while (!qt.empty())
Node<Key, Value> *cur = qt.front();
if (cur != nullptr)
if (cur->left != nullptr)
cout << cur->left->key << ": " << cur->left->val << " ";
if (cur->right != nullptr)
cout << cur->right->key << ": " << cur->right->val << " ";
if (qt.front() == nullptr)
cout << endl;
Node<Key, Value> *delMax(Node<Key, Value> *x)
if (x->right == nullptr)
Node<Key, Value> *temp = x->left;
return temp;
x->right = delMax(x->right);
return x;
Node<Key, Value> *delMin(Node<Key, Value> *x)
if (x->left == nullptr)
// Node<Key, Value> *temp = x;
return x->right;
x->left = delMin(x->left);
return x;
Node<Key, Value> *min(Node<Key, Value> *x)
Node<Key, Value> *temp = x;
while (temp->left != nullptr)
temp = temp->left;
return temp;
Node<Key, Value> *max(Node<Key, Value> *x)
Node<Key, Value> *temp = x;
while (temp->right != nullptr)
temp = temp->right;
return temp;
// Hibbard deletion: Simple BST Deletion
Node<Key, Value> *delPair(Node<Key, Value> *x, Key key)
if (x == nullptr)
return x;
if (key < x->key)
x->left = delPair(x->left, key);
else if (key > x->key)
x->right = delPair(x->right, key);
if (x->left == nullptr)
return x->right;
if (x->right == nullptr)
return x->left;
Node<Key, Value> *t = x;
x = min(t->right);
x->right = delMin(t->right); // will return t->right
x->left = t->left;
return x;
void put(Key key, Value val)
root = put(root, key, val);
Key floor(Key key)
Node<Key, Value> *x = floor(root, key);
if (x == nullptr)
throw "";
return x->key;
Value get(Key key)
Node<Key, Value> *cur = root;
while (cur != nullptr)
if (cur->key < key)
cur = cur->right;
else if (cur->key > key)
cur = cur->left;
return cur->val;
throw "Key Not found!";
void print_levelorder()
Key min()
if (root == nullptr)
throw "Empty Symbol Table";
Node<Key, Value> *temp = min(root);
return temp->key;
Key max()
if (root == nullptr)
throw "Empty Symbol Table";
Node<Key, Value> *temp = max(root);
return temp->key;
void delMin()
root = delMin(root);
void delMax()
root = delMax(root);
void delPair(Key key)
root = delPair(root, key);
int main()
RedBlackTree<char, int> *rb = new RedBlackTree<char, int>();
rb->put('S', 1);
rb->put('E', 2);
rb->put('A', 3);
rb->put('R', 4);
rb->put('C', 5);
rb->put('H', 6);
rb->put('X', 7);
rb->put('M', 8);
rb->put('P', 9);
rb->put('L', 10);
rb->delPair('L'); // hibbard deletion O(lgn) Black links Not Balanced
rb->put('P', 9);
cout << rb->floor('N') << endl;
If you don't use any extra property to maintain the Red-Black Tree properties after performing Hibbard deletion, the tree will effectively degrade into an ordinary Binary Search Tree (BST). In this scenario, the balance of the tree is not maintained, which can lead to the tree becoming unbalanced over time.
Finding the Node to Delete:
This still takes (O(lg n) time in the best case when the tree is balanced, but could degrade to O(n) in the worst case if the tree becomes unbalanced.
Hibbard Deletion:
The Hibbard deletion process itself involves finding the in-order predecessor (or successor), which takes O(lg n) time in a balanced tree but O(n) in the worst case for an unbalanced tree. Replacing the node and deleting the predecessor or successor also takes O(lg n ) or O(n) time depending on the balance of the tree.
No Maintenance of Red-Black Properties:
Since you are not maintaining the Red-Black properties, there is no additional cost for rotations and color changes.
Without maintaining the Red-Black properties, the time complexity for deletion will be:
Best Case (Balanced Tree): O(lo n)
Worst Case (Unbalanced Tree): O(n)
In a balanced tree: The time complexity for deletion will be O(lg n) .
In an unbalanced tree: The time complexity for deletion can degrade to O(n) .
Therefore, if you don't maintain the Red-Black Tree properties, the worst-case time complexity for deletion can degrade to O(n) due to a potential unbalanced tree structure.